The 50 Best Companies to Work For As Rated by the Women Who Work There (July 2022)

Top Companies 2022: The 50 best workplaces to grow your career in the U.S.

The world of work continues to transform in front of our eyes. As professionals moved jobs at unprecedented rates in 2021, companies have had to step up to attract and retain talent — from offering more opportunities to get promoted and gain new skills to increasing flexibility. These changes have put employees and job seekers in the driver’s seat, igniting them to rethink what they expect out of an employer today.

Our 2022 LinkedIn Top Companies list is the 6th annual ranking of the 50 best workplaces to grow your career, all based on unique LinkedIn data. These are the companies that are offering stability in our ever-changing world of work — the ones that are not only attracting workers, but retaining them.

To put together this year’s rankings, we looked at LinkedIn data across seven pillars, each revealing an important element of career progression: ability to advance, skills growth, company stability, external opportunity, company affinity, gender diversity and spread of educational backgrounds. You can learn more about our methodology at the bottom of this article.

This list is meant to be a resource for you, guiding professionals at every stage — whether that means a career pivot, jumping back into the workforce after a hiatus or investing in new skills. At each company, you’ll find insights around which roles and skills are in demand, top locations and much more. You can also explore open jobs (many of which are remote positions) and people you may know at the company. If a company catches your eye, follow their company page and/or turn on job alerts to stay on top of future opportunities.

Why employee ratings matter

A company might report that they offer six weeks paid maternity and parental leave, but if you start getting assignments in the first week (or even in the fifth week) of your leave, they’re not holding up their end of the deal. Another company might say that they offer competitive salaries, but what if you discover they have a glaring gender pay gap?

By measuring the experiences of actual employees, we can provide a more accurate picture of what it’s like to work for a company—and we can help improve what employees get from a company.

You can help other women find organizations where they will be successful by contributing to the data. Rate the company you currently work for or one you’ve worked for in the past. Our users rate companies on 18 factors, including salary satisfaction, family growth support, equal opportunities for women and men, women in leadership, learning opportunities, and more. Just search for any company on our site to learn more.

Pie Insurance

Pie’s mission is to empower small businesses to thrive by making commercial insurance affordable and as easy as pie.

We leverage technology to transform how small businesses buy and experience commercial insurance—starting with workers’ compensation. Our intense focus on granular, sophisticated pricing and data-driven customer segmentation

“Our Customer Care team rewards success by giving “snaps” in team and company slack channels. We like to verbally recognize people in our team meetings by giving them a shout out and telling them they are valuable to the team and are appreciated! It is important to also be conscious of how people like to be recognized and not put people “on blast”.”

Fluid Truck

Fluid Truck is a technology-based rental platform that’s revolutionizing the truck rental industry. It offers 24/7 mobile access to a wide array of trucks, vans, and SUVs. Thousands of small and medium-sized businesses across the U.S. use Fluid Truck to flexibly and affordably build their fleet, manage employee scheduling on-the-go, and safely

“The most quirky thing about Fluid is the fact that they treat employees like family. You are asked every day how you are doing, sincerely. If you sound like you are having a bad day, coworkers check in with you. You also feel valued as an employee and are reminded of that daily. Not only does the “F” stand for Fluid, but it also stands for family.”


How To Send a Meeting Recap (With Template and Example)

How To Send a Meeting Recap (With Template and Example)

After a meeting, it’s important to remind employees of what was discussed so they can remember significant action items or announcements. Sending a meeting recap can summarize discussions and important details for attendees or those employees who were unable to attend.

A meeting recap is a message, often in email format, sent to employees or clients after a meeting. It gives a basic overview of the meeting and reminds recipients of what action items need to be completed, deadlines for assigned projects and any other important information that was covered.

Meeting recaps are often sent to help attendees remember important details and are available for them to reference later on. Recaps can also benefit any employees or clients who were unable to attend the meeting and need updates on important details that were missed.

How to send a meeting recap

A meeting recap should be correctly typed in an email and sent to the correct audience. Follow these steps to learn how to properly send a meeting recap to employees or clients.

1. Take notes during the meeting

of only important events happening in the meeting. These can be instances like tasks assigned to specific employees or clients, any measures that were passed or announcements that were made. If important changes were implemented that may affect the department or company, be sure to list them in the meeting notes for employees to reference and note.

2. Decide who should receive the email

Once the meeting has adjourned, you should immediately begin typing up your notes so you can remember all the important details discussed. When deciding who should receive a recap, you should address it to all meeting attendees and other employees or clients who were invited but unable to attend. If you are unfamiliar with all the people attending the meeting, it’s often helpful to pass around an attendance sheet to gather email addresses from attendees.

If an attendance sheet wasn’t distributed, you can contact the person who sent the meeting invitation or ask your supervisor who should receive a meeting recap. This helps ensure you’re sending it to all recipients who would benefit from the information in the meeting.

3. Thank everyone for their time

When you write the recap, thank the attendees for taking the time to attend the meeting. If anyone provided presentations or reports, you should also thank them for presenting this information. You can express your excitement for the action items that were discussed and any accomplished goals. This helps your email start on a positive note and sets an enthusiastic tone for your message.

4. List what was discussed in the meeting

The first few sentences of the email’s body should highlight important discussions covered in the meeting. This can include discussions that established a goal, plan for the future or motions that were passed. Try to only include brief overviews of discussions and information relevant to the meeting and its attendees.

5. Highlight action items or next steps

The next part of your recap should include important action items that were established. This often includes new projects or tasks assigned to employees or the next steps in a strategy or plan. When you highlight these action items, be sure to include the deadlines given by supervisors in the meeting.

You can list these action items with separate bullet points and highlight the name of the person assigned to the task. It may also be beneficial to highlight the due date for the employee to easily locate and reference.

6. Attach supporting documents

If there were any documents that attendees gave you or supervisors instructed you to include, you can attach them to your email. It can be beneficial for employees to receive project instructions or guidelines if they were assigned a complex project during the meeting. You can also attach a separate document that lists the strategy or plan discussed in the meeting with the established steps for employees to follow to complete the assignment.

7. Include a reminder of the next meeting date

At the end of the email, include the date of the next meeting. This helps employees remember to add the date to their calendars when reading the email. If a date wasn’t discussed in the meeting, you can list the date as “to be determined” or request a meeting date from your supervisor or meeting leader.

8. Proofread and send to recipients

Once you have written your email, you can add your signature. Proofread for any spelling, grammatical or clarity issues. Make sure your email is brief and only includes relevant information. Once you have proofread the document, you can send it to your supervisor or meeting leader for approval. After receiving approval, you can send the document to the necessary recipients.

Why do you need a summary email?

A summary email establishes accountability for action items that come out of the meeting. By having the ability to see what your team members responsibilities are, you also gain a stronger understanding of what is required to make the project successful.

Moreover, if you’re able to work through your tasks and notice a teammate has a heavy task list, you can lend a hand and expect the same support in return when roles are reversed.

An effective meeting recap also acts as a historical record of meetings to reference at any point. This is going to highlight progress and areas for improvement so that you and your team can continue to learn and grow together.

In the book Resilient Management, Lara Hogan argues that sending out a recap email after each meeting is a great way to reinforce decisions, clarify company messages, and address your teammates’ frustrations:

“I love the practice of repeating decisions or actions after a meeting with a recap email,” says Hogan. “This communication method harnesses all of email’s power for good: it helps set the record straight, disseminates information to lots of people at once, and opens up conversation internally.

Repetition never fails to help us to remember things more clearly and an effective meeting recap does exactly this: reminds of our objective, our responsibilities and when to touch base next.

How to write an effective meeting recap

What we’re saying is, if you want to send an effective meeting recap, you need to also have had an effective meeting beforehand. In another interesting article by the Harvard Business Review, they discuss the importance of being organized in order to conduct a successful meeting:

“Before you hold a meeting, force yourself to make deliberate choices. First, know exactly why you’re convening and define your goals to set the stage for achieving them. This process may include asking others to suggest agenda items, which not only promotes relevance but also increases ownership and engagement. If you don’t have a clear mission or a list of agenda items, you should probably cancel.”

Things to include in your meeting recap:

1 Give a quick thanks

2 List what was discussed during the meeting

You can use your agenda items and meeting notes to do this and organize them into bullet points that are quick to read and straight to the point. Make sure to write them out in chronological order from the opening of them meeting to the decisions made and next steps.

3 List action items and assign them

After you’ve summarized the key points of the meeting, in a separate paragraph or table, list all of the action items with the date it was assigned (the day of the meeting), the deadline and the person who has been assigned to complete it. This is going to foster accountability within the team and also keep everyone up to speed on what their teammates are working on.

4 Include any kinds of reference documentation

It’s a good idea to include any kinds of reference documents from the meeting. These can be anything from project guidelines, project timelines, budgets, etc. This is especially helpful when many projects are progressing simultaneously. Including relevant resources is going to eliminate confusion at the onset and give you and your team more time to work towards your goals, without too many explanations or clarifications required.

5 Include a reminder of the next meeting


How To Quit A Job You Just Started (With Examples)

how to quit a job you just started

Make Sure You Really Want to Leave

Before you decide to throw in the towel, take a few days to really think through your decision. Consider all the pros and cons of leaving versus staying and think about if there’s a chance the situation can improve over time.

This is a good time to think about the repercussions of leaving. Because your employer has spent time and resources recruiting and training you, there’s a chance that your boss won’t be the happiest of campers.

If you’re willing to risk the repercussions — or if they just don’t even matter to you that much — you can consider the benefits to quitting a job you quickly discovered that you hate:

You got a better job offer. This makes for a very easy decision. Just make sure you officially confirm that the role is yours and sign all the necessary paperwork before you tell your boss that you’re quitting. Most people understand this one, and even if they don’t, it’s no sweat — you already have a better job!

You were lied to about the job. If the job description and the hiring manager’s portrayal of the job during the interview don’t line up with your actual experience, that’s a very good reason to quit a job you just started.

It might be that you’re more over/underqualified than you thought or that the breakdown of your responsibilities’ proportional time commitment was mispresented. In any case, if you politely point this out as you quit, you’ll actually help the employer make sure not to repeat the mistake.

It’s a terrible environment. This can mean a lot of things — meanspirited, cliquish colleagues, a boss whose comments regularly make you uncomfortable, or just a depressing layout of joyless cubicles and cheap lighting.

Give Plenty of Notice

The only thing worse than being remembered forever as “That jerk who quit after the first day” is being remembered as “That huge terrible jerk who gave less than two weeks’ notice before they left and screwed us all.”

Once you’ve decided you’re ready to quit, it’s time to meet face-to-face with your boss so you can tell them your decision in person. Even though resigning in person is painful and awkward, it shows that you’re professional and gives you the chance to control how you’re going to be interpreted.

It’s best to avoid saying things like “This job just sucks dude,” or “I think you’re mean and you smell bad.” Instead, mention reasons that focus on aspects of the job that didn’t fit your strengths or interests. At the very least, just don’t say anything mean.

Show gratitude for the opportunity, express your willingness to help with the transition, and suggest a last day of employment. Having a detailed plan in place for your last weeks of work will show that you’re considerate and haven’t made this decision lightly.

How To Quit Your Job In 5 Easy Steps

1. Am I doing this for the right reasons?

Everyone has a bad day (or two, or more) but allowing your emotions to ramp you into a decision you might later regret isn’t going to do anything but frustrate you and potentially hinder your future job searches.

Can you reach out to your manager or HR and explore options that would allow you to stay where you are and be happier/make more money/do more rewarding work/leave behind that horrible coworker/boss/manager you hate?

If you’re quitting over an issue that can be easily fixed, future employers might want to know why you decided to exit rather than work out a solution. Make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons, not just the easy reasons.

2. Am I okay quitting right now?

While quitting might make your soul and mind feel better if you’re in a difficult situation, your bank account might argue sticking it out until you get something better lined up is a smarter course of action.


If you quit, is your decision one that is going to just affect you or do you have an entire family relying on you as the breadwinner? Don’t forget to keep other things in mind like health insurance. Once you leave your job, those benefits usually stop.

Ask yourself these questions to really drill down and make sure you’re in a position where walking away won’t be a problem. Quitting only to turn around and have to crawl back and beg for your old job isn’t a scenario anyone wants to live through.


Yes, it might mean sticking around a little longer at a job you’re ready to leave forever, but trust us, these tasks will make your transition into whatever else you plan on doing next much easier.

If you’ve sat down and really reflected on your situation and answered our two critical questions and still see quitting as the only answer, then it’s time to move onto the next phase…getting all your ducks in a row before you go.


While some employers might be okay with you quitting and allow you the time you need to wrap things up, some consider quitting to be an insult and might even insist you leave immediately…so make sure you’re ready before you go in.

Do you use a company computer? Make sure you clean off all your personal files and back up anything you think you might need including contacts and important information (Don’t forget emails either!)

Speaking of copies and contacts and backing up files, make sure that whatever you’re doing is legal and ethical. The last thing you want to do is to get busted for corporate espionage or intellectual property theft.

Why This Interview Question is Asked

The interview question, “Why did you leave your last job?” is a qualifying interview question and ice breaker question. It’s used to begin the interview and help guide how the remainder of the interview session might be positioned. defines an “ice breaker” as “thought-provoking questions you can use to encourage people to talk and get to know them better. These questions can be used in most situations where a fun, light-hearted conversation is needed to lighten the mood and encourage real bonding.”

The interview question should be answered with brevity, as this question intends to test the job candidate’s verbal communication skills. In addition, this question provides the hiring manager with insight into how well calculated the candidate is about their career aspirations or career goals.

For example, if the job candidate answers by saying, “I left my last job because I felt there was no upward mobility. I wanted to move into a management position, which is a career aspiration of mine.” It shows the hiring manager that the candidate has intent with their career. That insight can be helpful for the hiring manager to ask follow-up questions or decide which qualifying questions they might ask the candidate.


10 Ways To Promote Your Small Business

Advertise In Local Publications

10 Ways To Promote Your Small Business

Promote Your Small Business

The number of small businesses in America is staggering. There are over 30 million entrepreneurs who have started their own companies, which means that approximately half of all Americans either own or work for a small business owner. And every business needs to know the answer to how to ‘promote your small business .

If you’re one of those people, you know that running a small business is no easy task. Of course, you have to worry about the day-to-day operations of your business, but you also have to find ways to promote and market your business to ensure its success.

10 Helpful Tips To Promote Your Small Business:

How to promote your small business? Every business type is different. And like the business types, the business modules are also very different. But every small business wants to do the advertising parts within a small budget.

1. Participate In Local Events

A great way to promote your small business is by participating in local events. It can be anything from a community festival to a charity fundraiser. You can set up a booth at these events to promote your business and sell your products or services.

You can also hand out promotional materials, such as flyers and business cards. Participating in local events is a great way for your business to brand and build a charity in the community.

You also can participate in trade shows, a great way to network with other businesses and promote your products or services. There are many large trade shows in California, such as the LA Business Expo, in which small businesses can participate.

You may also explore booth rentals and other opportunities to participate in these events. All you need to do is look up the keywords such as trade shows Anaheim CA , and you will be able to find many options to promote your small business.

2. Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great tools for promoting your small business. They are free to use, but they also allow you to reach a large audience with your marketing messages. However, it’s essential to use social media effectively. Social media utilization is one of the best ways to promote your small business .

Make sure you post engaging content that will interest your target audience. You should also post regularly and respond to any comments or questions. Moreover, you can use social media ads to target a specific audience with your marketing messages.

3. Make Sure Your Website Is Up To Date And Informative

In today’s digital world, it’s vital to have an up-to-date and informative website. Your website should provide visitors with information about your products or services and your contact information. You should also include interesting blog posts or articles to keep visitors engaged.

In addition, your website should be mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using their smartphones to browse the internet. If you need help creating or updating your website, you can contact a web design company. In Orange County, many web design companies can help you make an effective website for your small business.

4. Use Print Marketing Materials

You can distribute these materials in several ways. For example, you can leave them at local businesses or hand them out at community events. You can also mail them to potential customers or clients. Whatever method you choose, make sure your marketing materials are professional and informative.

5 . Try Using Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing is a type of marketing that is unconventional and unexpected to promote your small business. It can be anything from handing out free samples to dressing up like a chicken. The goal of guerilla marketing is to get people talking about your business.

6. Offer Discounts And Coupons

Everyone loves a good deal, so offer discounts and coupons to potential customers. You can promote these deals through your website, social media, or print marketing materials. Just include the expiration date and some restrictions, such as a minimum purchase amount.

Offering discounts is a great way to attract new customers and build loyalty among your existing customer base. Also, you may want to offer loyalty programs for your regular customers and promote your small business.

7. Get Involved With Local Charities

Giving back to the community is a great way to promote your small business. You can do this by getting involved with local charities. For example, you can sponsor a charity event or donate products or services to a local non-profit.

It is a great way to build goodwill in the community and get your business name. In addition, you can volunteer your time or services to a local charity. It is a great way to give back and promote your business simultaneously.

8. Participate In Community Events

Another great way to promote your small business is by participating in community events. It can be anything from a block party to a farmer’s market. It is a great way to meet potential customers and build goodwill in the community.

In addition, you can set up a booth at these events to promote your products or services. You may also want to consider sponsoring a community event. It is a great way to get your business name out there and show your support for the community.

44 Methods to Advertise Your Business for Free

The best marketing plans draw on a multitude of strategies: social media marketing, email marketing campaigns, flash sales, in-store events, even experiential marketing—whatever your business has the resources to take on, take them. Use every opportunity you get to share your product or service with the world (and, ideally, turn them into paying customers).

Start your search with this list of mostly free, relatively low-lift, but definitely fun ways to advertise your business. Remember that each method for how to advertise your business comes with its own nuances and tricks. Business advertising is an art, not a science.

1. Reward Social Media Sharing

It’s great to find new customers, but it’s also important to show your appreciation for those who are already loyal to your brand—especially if they’re willing to shout it from the proverbial rooftops.

Providing discounts to your followers who share your brand on social media rewards their customer loyalty, and gives you a boost. After all, word-of-mouth endorsements are still the best form of advertising around. Engaging with and rewarding your customers is a great way to advertise your business for free.

2. Cultivate a Cadre of Brand Ambassadors

George Clooney probably fetches a pretty penny for his work as Nespresso spokesman, but there are other, more accessible methods for how to advertise your business with brand ambassadors.

Focus on social media influencers who might not be Clooney-level celebrities, but who have established themselves as prominent figures in a circle that relates to your brand. Gaining an endorsement from an influencer strengthens your brand’s presence and legitimacy in that world. If you go this route, though, make sure your social media influencer campaign is legal.

3. Look Within for Positive Word of Mouth

Your strongest advocates for your business might just be under your own roof. An employee willing to share positive things about the company on their personal social media accounts can grab the attention of potential new customers. Therefore, incentivizing that behavior is a savvy business move and a great way to advertise your business for free. Platforms like Dynamic Signal make it easy for businesses to encourage their employees to serve as brand advocates for their employers online.

4. Have Fun With Interactive Content

Who can resist the allure of a clever internet quiz? Putting interactive content on your website, blog, or social media platforms is both fun and informative for your customers. And quizzes and surveys that encourage users to share their results on social media expands your brand’s reach further. This has the added bonus of converting your loyal brand followers into brand ambassadors on their own social media platforms.

5. Let Your Customers Peek Behind the Scenes

Whether you use YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat, share a behind-the-scenes video. This could be an interview with a member of your staff, a tour of a manufacturing facility, or a montage of your participation in a recent trade show or industry event. Giving your customers a sneak peak into what it’s like on the inside is another creative way to advertise your business for free.

Giving customers a greater sense of what goes into making your product is a transparent way to interact with your customers, which’ll give you a credibility boost. It also lets you show off your team and your brand’s personality, and define your company’s unique point of view within your market. That’s how to advertise your business in the era of social video.

6. Play Game Show Host for a Day

Alternatively, ask those who are already loyal to your brand to participate in a contest where they generate testimonials or share positive stories about your business online under a designated hashtag. That can generate a lot of buzz in a short amount of time.

7. Put a Face to Your Company’s Name With Live Video

CEOs such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Steve Jobs are inextricably linked with their brands. Customers feel like they know them personally, and that is part of the fabric of the brand loyalty that Facebook, Tesla, and Apple enjoy. Using live video through Facebook or other social media channels can humanize you and your business, and make any customer even more likely to become a loyalist.

how to advertise your business

8. Trade in a Thousand Words for a Picture (or Video)

If that adage is true, then Instagram lets you do a lot of talking in a very short amount of time. While Facebook dominates in terms of overall number of users, Instagram followers for certain brands—including titans like Nike and Starbucks —have surged lately. Certain industries, such as restaurants, have been transformed by the platform. And with younger demographics turning away from television and spending more time on social media, there’s a huge benefit to focusing your marketing efforts here. It’s important to learn how to advertise your business using this surging platform.

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Website audit

The robots meta tag lets you utilize a granular, page-specific approach to controlling how an individual page should be indexed and served to users in search results. These tags should sit in the section of a given page.

Jess Lawrence client delivery manager at all things web portrait

Website audits – how to create, present and sell website and SEO audits

Website audits are a great way to show your prospects or customers the value of your services. Most business owners aren’t focused on improving their website, or even know the importance it plays in growing their business.

For instance, a business owner may want more targeted traffic or leads. They may not know what SEO is, or why it is important and how it can help them improve their online brand presence to bring them more business. So if your conversation begins with "we offer SEO services," and your domain authority is X you will lose them.

So instead of telling prospects, you offer SEO services, focus on their desired end result, which is growing their business. Show them you cared enough to do your homework by evaluating their site and provide them with an audit report that specifies the areas of improvement or opportunities you’ve identified. Make sure these are not generic but specific to them. You want to accompany the report with a consulting or strategy session to explain how these areas if addressed, can help their site rank higher, get more traffic and ultimately grow their business. Doing this helps you build authority and establish your expertise. More about this further down in this guide.

Point is, stop with the technical jargon. Remember, a prospect is more likely to value your services when what you deliver is personalized and presented in a manner that they can understand. And that’s exactly what a good web audit can do!

But maybe you’ve tried offering web audits in the past, and really didn’t feel like it did a whole lot for your business. Chances are, that’s because you were using “traditional” audits – and you were then exposed to all the frustrations and challenges that go along with running and presenting those types of audits.

I want you to know that things have changed in a big way! In this guide, I will not only cover best practices for audits but will show you how we now run website audits faster and easier than ever before.

Website audits that help you get more leads and win sales

The frustrating challenges of traditional audits

If you’ve offered web audits in the past, or if you’ve even so much as researched whether it was a viable strategy for your business, then you may be acquainted with the challenges of traditional audits. Let me explain…

Traditional website audits are cumbersome

First, you had to run the various tools. Next, you had to extract the information needed from each of the tools. And finally, since the tools all had different ways of formatting the information, you had to reformat everything to make it presentable.

You can imagine how long these sorts of audits used to take. We’d easily spend 3-4+ hours running tools, compiling the information, and formatting it into a professional presentation. Does any of this sound familiar?

Traditional website audits take money

For starters, you needed to pay for multiple tools in order to provide a comprehensive audit. But what ended up being even more expensive, was the hours our team members had put into creating the audits. I am sure those of you who have done manual audits or delegated it to your team, have experienced how laborious and costly it ends up being. Sure we got paid well if the audits were part of a project discovery or consultation session deliverable. What really sucked was when we spent hours creating these audits as part of our sales prep and it did not lead to us closing the deal. Does this sound familiar? Keep reading till the end to learn how we now do sales prep in 5-10 minutes, and wow our prospects with a website audit report.

Traditional website audits include technical mumbo jumbo

Most auditing software creates reports that are of value and interest to web professionals and SEOs like yourself. But if you present the information as-is to your client, you’re going to be overwhelming them with jargon that they’re not going to understand.

How to Conduct a Website Audit

1. Run Your Website URL through a Site Audit Tool

Before you get started, you’ll want to find a website auditing tool that can help you analyze how your website is performing. When you use site audit software to run your site through, you can get specific recommendations and test how your page is performing.

2. Find Technical Errors

Once you’ve put your site through an auditing tool, you’ll want to look for technical errors. These could be related to performance, SEO, mobile, security, and more. The technical site structure and setup of your site play a large role in how well your website performs for customers.

3. Identify SEO Problems

4. Analyze Design and UX

One of the things I like to look for when conducting a website audit is the user experience. How is this design working for your customers? Some software has heatmaps of what parts of your design draw the most attention and what users are reading. This type of analysis will let you know how the overall design and user experience are impacting your visitors.

5. Assess Website Content

A website audit will help you assess website content including blogs, website pages, etc. You’ll want to know how your current pages are stacking up. Ask yourself, "Is my content ranking well in search engines?" and "Is my on-page SEO and performance aligned with my traffic numbers?"

6. Generate a Checklist of All Site Issues and Recommended Fixes

Lastly, when you’re conducting a website audit, it’s important to have a place where you put a summary of all your findings. List out the site issues and recommended fixes, so that you can send that information to the appropriate teams.

2. Your Website Isn’t Properly Optimised

  • Areas for optimisation in content – thin, useless content will need updating, redirecting or removing.
  • Images not properly tagged – this is how search engines know what the image is.
  • HTTP / HTTPS – identifying any mixed content issues on the website.
  • Meta issues – ensuring all pages have unique and relevant meta data.
  • Headers – Ensuring H1’s 2’s and 3’s are used properly throughout the site.
  • Mobile responsiveness – mobile traffic now outnumbers desktop traffic – you need to make sure your site functions properly on mobiles and tablets.
  • URL structures – ensuring all your pages have proper URL structures.
  • Indexability – ensuring that all relevant pages on your website are indexable, and blocking those that do not need to be indexed, for example, a ‘thank you’ page.
  • Duplicate content – Identifying and rectifying any pages with similar or identical content.
  • Broken links – both external and internal 404’s will need to be rectified/redirected.

Some established websites may have taken part or worked with SEO companies that provided them with ‘black hat’ SEO methods back in the day; this could include link farming, keyword stuffing, cloaking or similar.

All of these methods may have worked to increase rankings and traffic at the time – but websites that partook may now find themselves being hit with penalties from search engines as their algorithms become more intelligent.

Why Pay For an Audit When You Can Get One Online For Free?

You’re probably aware that a quick search for ‘free website audit’ reveals a whole host of free audit tools available – there’s no harm in using these tools, but they are a lot less effective than a proper audit.

Search Engine Results For Free Website Audits

Returning to the vehicle analogy, if a warning light illuminates on your dashboard, the budding mechanic inside you rightly does some research, finds out the meaning of the warning light thus successfully diagnosing the problem, but you’d still take it to a trained mechanic to fix, right?

So, whilst these online audits are free for the most part and give a reasonably accurate high-level insight of your website’s performance – they are generic, simple and can be misleading or confusing to somebody without the expert guidance to properly rectify any issues they throw up.

Website audit

Our Website SEO Audit services are designed to solve this problem for busy website owners. For an affordable price, we’ll conduct a one-time SEO and website health audit and share the results with you on a Zoom video call with detailed recommendations on the top priority items to address.

How to Do Competitor Keyword Analysis in 5 Steps (+Free Template!)

Website Audit Checklist for 2021 [Template and 15-Step Guide]

Website audits can cover lots of areas, including your website’s technical performance, search engine optimization (SEO), user experience (UX), website content, design, and accessibility. The checklist and template presented here covers all of these topics.

A templatized, one-size-fits-all website audit can be helpful as a starting point, but a real website audit needs to also take into account the specific needs, functionality and structure of the website. And every website (and every business) is different. Take the time to consider what’s important to your website (and to your business), and if you decide to work with an SEO consultant or order a professional website audit service, make sure they ask you questions about your business objectives and current pain points before they get started.

Step 3: Check that your website is mobile friendly

Google Mobile Friendly Testing Tool

Similar to the mobile-friendliness check, website page load times are another area to monitor and work to improve. A website with pages that load quickly offer a better user experience, and page speed is one of the “ranking factors” considered by Google.

The recent Core Web Vitals update expands this focus on the user’s experience of how a webpage loads. The Core Web Vitals update also prioritizes the visual stability of webpages as they load and the time it takes for elements on a webpage to become interactive.

Google PageSpeed Insights Results

PageSpeed Insights provides reports on mobile and desktop performance, and uses both lab and field data. Lab data is collected in a controlled environment and will be available for all websites. Additionally if your website has sufficient traffic, field data may also be available from real user sessions.

Don’t be surprised if you get different results from all of these tools. You’ll even get different results for the same URL from the same tool from test to test, since each time the test is performed conditions will be different (as they are for real-world users).

GT Metrix Page Speed Report

How to do a website audit without going insane

Let’s say your website is a house and a person jogging on your street needs to use the bathroom. Would they choose your house? Feel comfortable? Have any trouble finding or using the bathroom? These are the shoes to put on for your light website audit.

This audit has a little bit of everything from each of the subsequent phases and applies them to just the core pages of your site (home, about, products/services, pricing, contact, ec). It’s a nice warmup round, designed to catch any glaring errors or easy fixes you can get out of the way first (and prevent you from going insane).

Light website audit checklist

light website audit checklist template

Light website audit template

light website audit template checklist

SEO content audit

Alright, now step out of your random runner shows and into your appraiser shoes. An appraiser determines the value of a home based on its condition, quality, age, and more. From an SEO standpoint, both Google and users are your appraisers, so you’ll want to have a Google shoe on one foot (Converse?) and a user shoe on the other (Crocs?).

In literal speak: Google wants to provide only the most accurate and reliable search results for its users (expertise, authority, and trust, or EAT). Your SEO content audit here covers the quality and relevancy of your content as well as how well you convey both of those to Google.

SEO content audit checklist

how to do a website audit - seo content audit checklist

  • Traffic: organic traffic (to prioritize pages or compare date ranges and check for significant drops/increases). See our SEO metrics guide.
  • On-page keyword targeting: keywords in the meta title, meta description, H1, H2s, image file names, alt text, and [not stuffed into the] body content. We provide on-page SEO help here.
  • Meta description and title: front-loaded with keywords, within character count limits, optimized for organic CTR (compelling and shows value). See our posts for help with meta descriptions and meta titles.
  • Images: no broken images, file names contain keyword, alt text is descriptive and contains keyword, images are compressed and properly sized. Image SEO guide here.
  • Quality: information is organized into clear sections, accurate, up to date, and thorough (not thin?). More on quality content here.
  • Links: Links work, page is linked to from other relevant pages on your site. Link-building tips here.
  • Backlink profile: Quantity/quality of backlinks (GSC can give you some information on this, but an SEO tool will give you deeper insights). Backlink tips here.

SEO content audit template

Here’s what the SEO content audit tab looks like in your template. Since SEO content optimizations are page-specific, the items to check are horizontal as you’ll have a list of pages to audit. And you might go insane if you had 14 lines for each page you have to audit.

how to do a website audit - seo content audit checklist template

Website audit is easy & efficient with the right website SEO checker.

Technical SEO analysis and on-page optimization demand solid data evaluation and a good deal of multitasking which can get messy. WebSite Auditor SEO tool accompanies its SEO audits with neat visualizations of accurate data:

I have been really impressed with the features that Website Auditor has to offer! This tool has really helped me to understand SEO better. If you are looking for software to help drive your keywords to search engines, and get a top 10 placement in search engines, then Website Auditor is a must have.

Website Auditor is the advanced onpage tool that saves you tons of time and arms you with detailed recommendations on how to boost your traffic quickly and easily. Having access to this information will put you in a very powerful position and make you one of the strongest SEOs in the business.

WebSite Auditor is very well structured and provides some essential information, summarization and visualization options. I have found the tool really useful both to SEO newbies and practising SEO consultants.

Making an SEO Audit report in WebSite Auditor is as easy as going to the Reports module, letting the tool create a free report. Use ready-made templates or customize your own to add those SEO factors that you want to monitor.

Sure you can! The website SEO checker will bring you optimization ideas from up to 10 top-performing sites in your niche. Or create a project for any competitor’s domain, and let the tool analyze your competition’s SEO health.

Yes, there is a free version available! And while that free version is limited, it’s still usable for lower volume SEO campaigns. Check out the comparison page for more information on the differences between a free plan and the paid ones. Besides, you can use a one-week free trial to feel the power of the full-feature toolkit.

Website audit

The domain analysis allows us to understand which keywords the domain is ranking for, which pages drive the most traffic from search, and who the competitors are. It also helps to identify keyword gaps in the domain’s promotion strategy.

Configure Email Alerts to Be Instantly Notified About Issues with Your Website Performance

SEO website audit service

Today, no business can survive without a proper SEO strategy. Having a well-crafted strategy has become a necessity for many startups. Yet, before creating an SEO strategy, it’s critical to have a clear understanding of your website. To achieve this, a technical SEO audit is essential. And it’s not just a new website, those that underwent through maintenance or a complete redesign are in need of site audit. After all, a website SEO audit takes away the guesswork from SEO and helps you align your business activities with your digital marketing efforts.

SEO audit in a nutshell
Similar to market audit, all SEO audits aim to identify blind spots and accelerate your rankings. Website SEO audit helps bring prospects to your site through organic search, as well as increase your online presence. Major search engines change their algorithms on a daily basis, and not knowing your position within the system can have a significant impact on your financial status. The site audit itself can be done using specialized tools or by an SEO expert.

When and why you need a site audit:

  • If you have made significant changes to your site, whether design, domain migration, a shift in content, or technical changes, performing a site audit will help you regain your previous rank.
  • A website audit is needed when you have made significant changes to your site. Be it design, domain migration, a shift in content, technical changes, performing a website audit will help you regain your previous rank.
  • If your site has a plethora of plugins, it’s vital that you do various SEO audits. There can be many different issues that might actually hinder the performance of your site. A good example would be when some of your plugins are outdated or interfere with search engine crawlers, bots, etc.
  • Another thing that might lower your ranking is irrelevant content. SEO and content come hand-in-hand and having keywords that have nothing to do with your customers will result in major losses.
  • Slow load times will leave your potential customers frustrated, not to mention search engines. Providing an unresponsive experience means you signal the ranking system to lower your position.
  • If by any chance you have duplicate content on your site, then you are most likely raising concerns over indexation. This’ll impact your page authority, meaning that fewer people will see you in the search result.
  • If your website isn’t secure (i.e, https) then your site puts your visitors’ privacy at risk. True, there are many sites that still operate using old protocols, but providing a secure connection is slowly becoming a key advantage.
  • If your site is not following Google’s Webmaster Guidelines, it won’t appear in search results as often.

These reasons are only a fraction of the full list. Conducting SEO audits will help you outline key issues, as well as create a plan to mitigate them. It’s important to follow industry-established guidelines as they’ll help you gain more prospects.

What is a Website Audit?

Address and fix critical, but often overlooked and ignored website issues to maximise your online marketing and SEO efforts.

Why audit my site? A web site audit is the professional analysis of your website. It determines which errors are decreasing your site’s quality and visibility on top search engines, as well as determines which elements should be added to your site to rank high on search results . A technical site audit crawls your website to check for broken links, which could damage both your site’s visibility and ranking. Normally, we perform a technical site audit together with an SEO website audit in order to check for broken links within the site, remove blackhat-SEO techniques that might hurt your ranking, and check for duplicate META pages and information, keyword stuffing, and non-SEO friendly links.

New call-to-action

Ideally, an online SEO audit report needs to be generated before you launch a Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) campaign or Local Buzz campaign . Doing so will help us customise our solutions to build your brand and market your products or services.

What can Whitehat’s Website Audit Services do for your business?

After we perform a comprehensive SEO web audit, we can recommend changes that you need for your site, such as change in website design and website architecture, creation of unique content , link building, and use of the right keywords. All these are aimed to make your site more visible to your target audience, and ensure that traffic converts to leads.

Conducting a website audit on your own requires the right skills, years of experience, proper set of tools (software), and ample time. As a business owner, you may not have these within reach as you need to focus on your company. With Whitehat’s help, you can focus on growing your business while we check your site and find ways to improve it. Combined with our white hat search engine optimisation and social media optimisation services, your site will definitely be visible, get more traffic and attract new clients.

Keyword Analysis

Website audit reports are performed to identify issues with the website that would negatively impact your ability to rank your website higher in the search engines. However, it is of extreme importance that we take into consideration WHAT you are trying to rank for when someone types in a search phrase into the search engine. Do you plan on showing up if someone is going to “Google” the search phrase “London accounting firm”? Before running a SEO site audit report we need to identify what your target search phrases are. What do you want to show up for when someone types in that particular phrase into the search engines? Ideally, a site audit report is to prepare your website for an inbound marketing campaign, and therefore we preferably have a “finalised” list of search phrases that you want to rank for. When we have this list we will further analyse the relationship of those search phrases to your website content, and also dig deeper into the competition level of those keywords. If there are any issues with the search phrases you want to target, we will let you know. This is a vital part of the website audit report because choosing the right search phrases to target is an enormous part of creating a successful inbound campaign.

Content Issues Duplicate and Non-Relevant

In relation to the search phrases you want to target, does your website have a significant amount of content talking about the subject of the search phrases you want to target? If someone landed on your homepage, would they immediately be able to identify that your website is relevant to all the search phrases you want to target? Are all the primary written content on your website unique and not duplicate content from another website? Do you have a lot of non-relevant pages about other products, services, or industries other than the search phrases you want to target on your website? When it comes to analysing your website’s content vs. the search phrases you want to target, there is a lot to take into consideration and we will report to you any issues we find in regards to this on the on site audit report.

Crawl and Indexing Errors

Ever wonder how Google knows about your website? Google has little robots they deploy to go visit your website and they “crawl” your website. Their robots act like a human clicking through to different pages on your website. After their robot is finished crawling your website they “index” certain pages of your website in their database. Only pages indexed in Google will show up when a user does a Google search or you run a Google website audit. Why is this important? Well, if you have a 100-page website and only 5 of your pages are indexed in the Google database, you have a serious problem. What causes pages not to index in Google? The answer could be poor content, duplicate content, broken links on your page, and any other issues preventing the Google robot from crawling particular pages. Our SEO page audit report will analyse and report on such issues. We can show you how to do website audit reports that help your rankings.

Page Error Issues

Do you know if you have broken links on your website? Many times, pages or the location of pages within your website are changed, and all the other pages with links to the “changed” page are not updated, and thus all the other pages linking to the changed page now have broken links. When judging a website’s ease of usability, we always look at the number of links as a good indicator. When users click on a link on your website and are directed to an error page, this can cause the user to leave your website out of frustration and not return. As part of our site audit report we will analyse your broken links and report to you on any issues we find.

Back links Analysis

Site Audit


Sales Strategy: 6 Steps to Increase Conversion Rates

Figure out which sales cycle or time period you would like to measure. This can be a month, quarter or year, depending on your definition of a sales period. Then, choose what to forecast. Instead of forecasting your entire company, or just one product, consider making categories of products to make the process easier. For example, if you own a restaurant, you could forecast how well you sell drinks versus entrees. You can adjust your categories based on what information you want to find.

Sales team

Formula for a Sales Forecast and How To Calculate It

Sales forecasts are predictions of how many products a business will sell in the future, based on data such as previous sales. Businesses can use many formulas to estimate information that can help them plan, operate and make decisions. If you run a business, consider calculating your sales forecast for the next month or year. In this article, we discuss the definition of a sales forecast formula, reasons it’s important, steps for how to calculate it and provide some helpful examples.

A sales forecast formula is a method of predicting future sales for a company. It can guess profits, amount of customers, rate of deals and other information in a time period. There are various ways to calculate a sales forecast, but it often incorporates an examination of a company’s historical data and the insights of their customer representatives. Sales forecasts can help a company better understand its fiscal health, show stakeholders its status and plan in advance to ensure it can remain operational for a long time.

2 Types of Sales Strategies: Inbound Vs. Outbound Sales

Inbound sales strategy

Sales reps that use an inbound sample sales strategy don’t try to push prospects to make a decision to purchase. Instead, they focus on creating a personalized sales approach that’s tailored to each specific prospect.

Companies that take an inbound approach to sales have automated ways of capturing buyer and seller data and monitoring their pipeline, and strive to integrate their marketing and sales teams to create a seamless buying experience.

Outbound sales strategy

Outbound sales strategies are based on seller actions. It takes advantage of tactics such as cold calling and cold emailing to spread the message about a company’s product or service to a large number of people.

The main advantage of an outbound sales strategy is that it provides immediate feedback and results. It’s also easier to scale compared to an inbound strategy – once you find what’s working, you just reach out to more prospects.

Looking to know where to start when it comes to developing a sales strategy? Today, we’re going to explore seven key steps and sales and marketing strategy example you need to understand to learn how to write a sales strategy document, so you can plan, aim and fire to propel yourself to success.

Why do You Need a Sales Strategy?

While new customers might need to be educated on your products and its features, existing customers will need technical support and other forms of assistance. Knowing how to build sales strategy templates allows you to address your customers’ needs at every stage of the sales journey.

Improve your sales team’s ROI — Creating sales strategy templates forces you to take a closer look at what you’re already doing, which gives you the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of which sales tactics are working for you, and which tactics you should abandon. This, in turn, will allow you to maximize your results and improve your sales team’s ROI.

Hire the right people — Having the right people on your sales team is crucial if you want your business to grow. Defining a sales strategy will allow you to choose exactly the right people that can help you achieve your sales goals.

Creating a sales strategy will allow you to understand your target market better, as well as the reasons why your target audience should be buying from you. A good sales strategy should also address your unique selling points and all the ways you can communicate value.

40 strengths of a salesperson

A successful career in sales depends on more than excellent marketing and communication skills. Sales jobs require you to have a variety of soft and hard skills that help you sell a product or service. During an interview, a hiring manager might expect you to demonstrate the following strengths:

1. Organizational abilities

A sales manager should have the organizational skills to manage various responsibilities and objectives effectively. With structure and order, you can improve your productivity and complete your tasks on time.

2. Business communication

Business communication skills help you give clear and accurate information to other parties. Whether you are talking to a prospective client or a colleague, your communication should be precise and straightforward.

3. Motivation

A motivated salesperson is likely to achieve positive results and profits. This skill allows you to complete your tasks smoothly and efficiently, including when working under pressure. If you are motivated, you are also more likely to react to rejections politely.

4. Confidence

Confident salespeople express themselves freely, which can impress clients and customers and improve conversion rates. Potential clients might be more likely to become regular customers if they work with a confident and convincing salesperson.

5. Adaptability

Adaptability is a strength that allows you to adjust to different working conditions quickly. As a salesperson, you should identify trends and new technologies that can improve your productivity and modify your sales strategy accordingly.

6. Reacting to objections

Objections are common in sales, and understanding how to react to them can help you have effective and positive conversations with clients and customers. Develop a strategy for responding to common types of complaints, so you can do so quickly and easily.

7. Presentation skills

Excellent presentation abilities allow you to communicate information to clients and colleagues effectively. Make sure you can present engaging and informative content in a format that is clear, professional and easy to understand.

8. Negotiation abilities

Negotiation skills help you build business relationships and find long-term solutions to potential problems. A salesperson who is also a good negotiator can present solutions that benefit both parties when working with a client or an employer.

9. Referral marketing

10. Closing sales

11. Time management

When you use your time appropriately, you can be more productive and efficient, perform better and reduce costs. This skill requires you to meet deadlines and take the least amount of time to convert leads into sales.

12. Territory management

13. Judgment

14. Storytelling

If you can paint a picture of how beneficial your services or products can be, you can convince clients to buy them. Be engaging, authentic, precise and clear when telling your story. The goal is to appeal to your client’s emotions and make your company stand out from the competition.

15. Prospecting

16. Technological

17. Curiosity

Curiosity is a strength that makes sales representatives want to understand a client’s preferences and challenges rather than simply complete a sale. Be inquisitive and ready to understand what your prospective customer needs.

18. Readiness to listen

19. Integrity

Being honest during a sale helps build trust between you and your client or employer. Be genuine during pitches and transactions and open about each element of your service or product. Integrity can help you develop a good reputation in the industry.

20. Leadership skills

21. Critical thinking

22. Teamwork

Reaching sales goals depends on the sales team’s efforts. An excellent salesperson should be willing to collaborate and work as part of a group. Try to match your personal objectives with those of the team.

23. Buyer research

With effective research skills, you can identify consumer trends, types of buyers and competition that can affect your sales process. If you have done thorough buyer research, you can gain a customer’s business before your competitors do.

24. Product knowledge

A credible salesperson knows everything about their product or service. From its features to its functions, you should prove you understand what your item can do and how it benefits the buyer. Make sure your product knowledge is extensive and in-depth.

25. Policy knowledge

Salespeople should understand their company’s policies so they can follow the organization’s vision and mission. Knowing company policies also helps prevent misunderstandings and maintain strong customer relationships.


Types of Content Marketing Formats You Need to Use Now

With billions of active users every month, social media may be a key tool in your content marketing arsenal. The main benefit of social media is direct engagement with your audience. It’s a real-time feedback loop to help you understand what your audience cares about, and to have direct conversations with them to dig deeper.

UG content examples

The different types of content marketing

When thinking about various content marketing examples, remember that people learn in a variety of ways. Different types of content appeal to different segments within your audience. Some are auditory learners and are attracted to podcasts. Others are visual learners and prefer videos, infographics, or presentations. And yet others prefer text, such as blog posts, white papers, or reports.

There is no “best” type of content marketing

Some content marketing types are useful as part of an inbound marketing program. Other formats can be an important component of an account-based marketing (ABM) initiative. Similarly, certain content naturally supports your sales team.

Additionally, some types of content are better suited for particular stages in the customer journey than others. For example, blog posts, articles, and video can be an excellent way of connecting with those in the awareness stage of the journey. White papers, ebooks, and webinars are often a good fit for the middle stage of the buying process. And case studies, success stories, and ROI calculators can be the clincher when it comes to overcoming objections and convincing a prospect to become a customer.

Benefits of using different types of content marketing

1. Blogs

Blog content is an outstanding way to build your brand and increase traffic to your website. A well-organized blog strategy keeps you focused on the keywords and topics your target audience cares about. Long-form content is the perfect way to address pain points, answer questions, and establish authority in your space.

Optimized, high-quality blog posts can also perform well in the search engines, giving a boost to your SEO. Long-form content tends to be a more evergreen type of content marketing compared to many other formats. So, the content you publish today can continue to drive traffic and leads for years. Compare this to social media posts, which can get buried in newsfeeds after a few hours.

2. Case studies and success stories

Case studies and success stories are a prime example of conversion-driven content marketing. They’re an extremely effective way to generate leads in the bottom of the conversion funnel. When prospects read about similar customers who have had positive experiences with your organization, it provides them with social proof and makes their purchase decision easier.

example of using case studies as a type of content marketing

3. Testimonials and online customer reviews

Testimonials and customer reviews are a different form of content marketing that leverages social proof. They’re especially useful in helping your brand overcome potential objections from prospects and reducing their feeling of risk. Additionally, online reviews on third-party sites like Google, Angi, or Trustpilot also serve as a valuable off-page SEO signal.

When Google sees a large number of positive reviews associated with your brand, it indicates to them that your brand is trustworthy and your website should be ranked higher in search results than brands with fewer positive reviews.

Prominently display testimonials and reviews on your home page, as well as on any other relevant pages of your website. A power tip is to place testimonials and reviews where they would be most contextually relevant to what’s on a given page.

example of using testimonials as a type of content marketing

4. White papers and ebooks

White papers and ebooks are a great way to build thought leadership, gain credibility in your industry, generate leads, and position yourself as an expert. They are usually longer and more technical than blog posts. This allows you to thoroughly explore a particular subject and share more granular information beyond what you would typically be able to do in a blog post.

Create white papers and ebooks when you have especially deep knowledge or differentiation in a specific topic area. With white papers and ebooks, it’s important to share quality content that delivers on the value they expect when taking the time to download your content.

This type of content marketing strategy tends to work particularly well toward the middle/bottom of the funnel. During this stage, you need to further educate prospects on the problem they’re facing, the solution you offer, and why you’re a better choice than a competitor.

5. Market reports

Market reports are an incredibly effective way to capture media attention and position your brand as a thought leader within your industry. This type of content marketing targets decision makers who need access to broad market data in order to build their strategy.

Below is an example of one of Terakeet’s recent reports from the beauty industry. We leveraged our internal technology to calculate the market share of the top performing websites within the cosmetics industry. Then, we published a report, a high-level blog post, and a deep dive case study about one of the top performing websites.

6. Videos

7. Infographics

Infographics allow you to present a significant amount of information quickly and clearly, including business, industry, or SEO statistics, maps, events, timelines, etc. They can function as standalone pieces of content that can be shared on social media platforms. Alternatively, they can act as a supplement to written content, like a blog post or a white paper.

Additionally, if you feature an infographic on a page on your website, you can easily create a small snippet of HTML code that allows others to embed the infographic on their sites. The HTML can be coded so that every time someone embeds the image on a website, a backlink to your website is automatically included as part of the description. The more people embed the infographic the more backlinks you get, which benefits your SEO.


Videos are also a versatile medium; you can create a variety of content in your industry that engages your market and leaves them wanting more. In this post, we walk you through how to use video marketing to your advantage.

For instance, design businesses can benefit from AR video marketing, which delivers a digital model of what you view using a smartphone. In 12 steps, including how to shoot with an iPhone, you can learn how to video market like a pro.

Microsoft uses their technology to empower everyone. Their recent commercials have shown just how inclusive their definition of “everyone” is, producing powerful messages about how technology can inspire many to achieve their goals.

Gated Content Types

By gated content types, I mean the valuable content you give away in exchange for an email address. You can use tools like LeadBoxes from LeadPages to embed a link into a piece of content that includes a form. All your visitors need to do is provide their email address and you’ll email them their free resource.

100. Guides

101. Worksheets

Worksheets are great for complementing blog posts that require following a process. They help your readers work through the ideas you’re teaching them on their own so they leave your website with something tangible.

102. Templates

Templates complement blog content that requires data punching very nicely. Alternatively, a few of the templates we’ve given away at CoSchedule include slide decks (for pitching new strategies to your team), Photoshop CC action (to automatically size every image to the perfect size for every social media network), and even spreadsheets (for managing project sprints and more).

103. Checklists

104. Research Reports

If you’re thinking about conducting original research and using a survey to gather your data, research reports are a great incentive to give your survey takers. A research report compiles your findings in a single document (typically into a PDF).

105. Posters/Desktop Backgrounds

106. Images

Giving away image bundles makes sense for some industries. For example, when we announced CoSchedule’s integration with Instagram, we gave away 100 Instagram-specific images in exchange for email addresses.

107. Mobile Apps

108. WordPress Plugins

109. Chrome Extensions

110. Kit/Bundle

If giving away one content upgrade generates email subscribers, would giving away two pieces increase your conversion rate? We tested the waters, and it appears the more content upgrades you give away for a single email address, the more conversions you’ll get.

111. Tools

CoSchedule launched Headline Analyzer Studio as a way to help our audience get more social shares, higher search rankings, and ultimately more traffic. We analyzed the data from the best content we’ve seen run through CoSchedule and made it available in an easy-to-use tool that ranks a headline’s ability to emotionally connect with readers.

112. Resource Library

Remember what I said about kits and bundles getting a higher conversion rate than only giving away a single piece of content in exchange for an email address? After you’ve created lots of content upgrades + tools, a resource library is a great way to repurpose your work in a high-conversion hub to generate more leads.

113. TPS Report


How to Deal With Difficult People at Work

They all have one thing in common. You must address them. No matter the type of difficult situation in which you find yourself, dealing with difficult people or situations is a must. Sure, you can experience a momentary distraction or ill-advised remark from a colleague without doing anything about it. Everyone has bad days and experiences thoughtless moments. But, if the behavior continues, or worse, escalates, you must address the behavior.

Woman demonstrates frustration and covers her ears

How to deal with difficult coworkers

Everyone has to deal with difficult coworkers — even your favorite team members can sometimes be a bit hard to work with. While you might not always be able to take a difficult coworker and make them your best friend, you can take actions to improve the relationship or at least to make the relationship more tolerable.

Assess the situation

Typically, there is a reason why they’re difficult to work with. Make an effort to understand what the cause of your challenges with them is. From there, try to understand why this person acts that way, and be sympathetic if there is an actual reason. While you may not agree with them, you won’t get far if you can’t at least understand where they may be coming from.

Know the types of difficult coworkers

There are many different types of difficult coworkers, and if you can define the type of difficult worker, you are one step closer to finding a solution to the problem. Forbes magazine also breaks down the different types of difficult coworkers in an effort to define the issue.

HR Memos D

how to deal with difficult coworkers-500x400


There are lazy people in almost every workplace, and the people who work hard are constantly picking up the slack. Slackers are always wanting to take time off, or do the bare minimum on a job, and creates productivity holes for other coworkers.

Now, it’s important to recognize the difference between slacking and having a work-life balance. A slacker is an employee who doesn’t put in the effort and isn’t available. Simply using your vacation time and, for example, being mostly unavailable after close of business, may just be signs of a healthy work-life balance, not a slacker.

Why You Must Deal With Difficult People

Trust this statement. Your situation won’t get better; left unaddressed, it usually gets worse. Unaddressed, necessary conflict simmers just below—and often erupts counter-productively—above the surface at work.

Initially, people go into shock when they are treated unprofessionally, so if you take some time to understand exactly what is happening to you, you are not alone. Once you are fully aware of what is happening, deciding to live with the situation in the long term is not an option. It will fester to the point that you are miserable going into work each day.

You become so angry and feel so much pain that your efforts to address the situation become irrational. It’s far better to address the difficult person early while you can maintain some objectivity and emotional control.

Occasionally, at this point in your relationship with a difficult person, you can back off and decide that nothing good will come from confronting this difficult person’s behavior. You may find this is the case, for example, when you rarely encounter the person, or you’re on a short term project that will soon end.

Make sure that you aren’t fooling yourself to avoid conflict, but cases do exist when you can avoid the difficult person and minimize their impact on your work life. But, it depends on your individual circumstances.

The Bully

boss shouting at worker

Do you think that you work with a bully? You do if you regularly feel intimidated, dread to work anywhere near a particular coworker, and feel dismayed and upset about having to go to work. If you are yelled at, insulted, and put down, you work with a bully. If you have felt psychologically or physically threatened at work, you work with a bully.

Do you have a coworker who talks over you at meetings, who regularly criticizes your performance, and steals credit for your work? If you answer yes to these questions, then the chances are that you’re one of 54 million Americans who have been targeted by a bully at work.

The Slider

Simply put, they suck. They always appear to be busy but never actually are – instead, they fob off their work to their colleagues and then reap all the rewards. They’re usually likeable and charming, and they know how to act the part. They often stay late so it looks like they have a lot to do when they’ve actually spent all day talking to their friends or reading the news online. And by the time the boss finally checks in on them, they’ve buckled down to at least complete one task on their list.

Solution: It’s hard to navigate around the Slider. If you call them out, for example, you’ll not only need concrete evidence to prove your point, but you’ll also end up branding yourself as a snitch – effectively making you the most unpopular person in the office. Instead, when they try to pass their work on to you, be blunt and simply tell them that you have your own list of priorities but will be happy to offer your advice on a certain part of a project.

When + How to Talk to Management

If you feel like you’ve tried everything and have exhausted your efforts, it’s time to escalate things to your boss. Before you randomly pop into their office, come prepared with the following:

  • Have Actual Examples: Take notes or bring physical examples of where the coworker is being difficult and how it’s impacting the team and work overall.
  • Come With a Plan: What’s your plan for addressing these issues? Your boss will provide their input, but it’s helpful if you come to the conversation with some ideas for solutions.
  • Bring in Anecdotes from the Team: Is this a group problem? Without turning the conversation into a blame game or rallying the team to dislike someone, can you bring examples from other team members that add to a productive conversation?
  • Switch Teams/Projects: If things are really bad, is there an option for you to limit your interactions or even switch teams altogether?
  • Look for a New Job/Quit: If this is a serious issue that you have brought up to your boss many times but they refuse to support you or address it, it might be time to look for a new job. We always recommend leaving on a positive note.


What is The Best Websites For Someone to Write My Essay?

If you’re looking for a website to write my essay for me, congratulations on searching high and low. I was in your shoes, asking all the time how to write my essay reviews. The solution lies in finding a website that will help you write and review your essay. This article will discuss how to hire someone to write your essay for you and how the process works.

best website for someone to write my essay

As you may already know, there are many websites out there to write my essay for me. But why would you want to hire someone to write your essay for you? It’s simple really, you just need a guide. Here are some of the reasons why you would need a website to write your essay.

You need a place to write your review of your essay. Most students don’t have this type of resource available to them. When you write my essay reviews, it’s all about your learning, your ability to write, and how your essay will fit in with your professor’s course requirements. If you can’t write your own review, you need someone to write it for you. Your professor is most likely using software to grade you papers and your only resource is the information in your syllabus.

Reviewing your essay is only half the battle. Now you must learn how to write your own review. This is a process that will take time and work. If you don’t know how to write your own review, you need someone to help you. A website to write my essay reviews is a great place to start your writing career. After all, what better way is there to get help than from someone who has done it all before?

There are several ways to write my essay reviews. However, it all starts with the question, “Why am I writing this?” The purpose of your review is to answer this question for you. It’s similar to a report you might write for your class assignment. You should begin your write my essay reviews with an introduction and conclusion to guide your readers through your essay. This is known as your thesis statement.

Next, you should present your arguments for why you believe this essay is the best. You should do this in a logical manner. You should give specific examples of how your opinion or belief matches up to the facts and arguments in your essay. For example, you could write that “A strong argument can be made that X will happen if Y is implemented.” This is a very good point, and your website would provide you with evidence that shows why this is the case.

Lastly, you should provide your readers with a summary of your conclusion. Your website should include a section where you summarize what you believe in completely. By doing this you allow your website to become your own best website for someone to write my essay reviews. When people read your summary they can see that you have done your homework and have provided relevant information and evidence for your claim.

Once you have your outline and your argument, it is time to write my essay. Again, I strongly recommend that you do not hire a writer to write your essay for you. Instead, you should spend some time researching what other essayists are writing about and then use their ideas to write your own essay. The best website for someone to write my essay is one that provides relevant information, supporting evidence and an outline to guide you through the process. If you only write your own essays, you will always be at a disadvantage to those who take the time to write original work.

What Is the Art Essay Structure that You Should Follow?

Even if you’re not someone who’s particularly into writing, you still need to know how you structure an essay if you have an art essay. Knowing the structure will ensure that you will make a good impression on your class teacher and get a good grade too.

If you haven’t written such an essay before, you have to find out ways to do it before the deadline is due. After all, you can’t sit with your empty paper for days without writing anything – you’re wasting valuable time.

As such, make sure to follow the tips below if you want to know how an art essay should look.

How to Write an Art Essay?

  • Understand Art Essays

Before you write your essay, you should know what an art essay is and what it contains. Basically, every type of essay follows pretty much the same basic structure, although each essay is different in itself.

With art essays, you should know that it is different just because the paper will focus on an art exhibition or object, not the topic.

  • Make an Outline

Prepare an outline with the main ideas you’ve accumulated through your research. Outlines are helpful as they will guide you through the process of writing the essay, hence why many people start with an outline before they jump into writing.

The outline pretty much helps you arrange your ideas and thoughts according to the main structure of an essay, which consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.

  • Start with the Introductory Paragraph

This is your chance to grab the attention of the reader, so you shouldn’t miss it. But in some cases, it is easier said than done, especially if you haven’t written an art essay before. The introduction is the one that introduces the audience to the subject, and if you do it wrong, then you risk ruining everything.

So, how do you do it? Well, you have to add some important information in the beginning and make a good, clear thesis statement, which will grab the attention of the reader. Let the audience know what they will gain by reading your work. The more interesting you make it seem, the better.

Also, don’t forget that the introduction to your art essay has to be linked to the body content, and the conclusion should reflect it as well.

  • Write the Body

The body consists of three main paragraphs, with each of them discussing the main idea. Basically, these three key ideas will serve to develop the main idea of the art essay, and they have to be backed by intense research.

With that said, there are ways to make each paragraph more efficient. You start with a topic sentence, which basically tells the reader what will be discussed in that paragraph. After that, you provide evidence through the research you’ve performed beforehand. You can use citations too as long as they’re not too long.

After these, bring your own opinion on the matter with an explanation, saying why the fact has any importance.

  • End with the Conclusion

The concluding paragraph has to be a little summary of the key points presented in the body, reminding the reader about what they’ve learned. Also, it has to prove that the main idea set in the beginning has been proven through the body paragraphs.

Make sure the conclusion isn’t too long. It’s merely a wrap-up of the stuff you’ve written, so you don’t have to bore your readers to death by writing a whole novel in the conclusion. Keep it short, but effective.

  • Edit Your Essay

Once you’re done with your art essay, read it again and fix any possible mistakes. Since art essays are not the easiest, there’s always the risk of mistakes happening, and you need to fix them. Edit anything from grammatical mistakes to wording ones.

College Paper Writing Service – A Solution?

When even with all the advice in the world you don’t seem to be able to do your essay, you start feeling desperate and don’t know what to do. Well, you should know that there may be a solution, more specifically a college paper writing service where you can pay someone to write my essay.

These services hire professional writers to write for college students, helping those who aren’t good at it or are too close to the deadline to do it alone. You only have to pay a small fee, and the service will make sure to do it prior to the deadline and do a wonderful essay based on the instructions you were given.

Final Thoughts

An art essay can be interesting if you like art in general, but it can also be daunting if you don’t know what structure to follow and how to do it. Hopefully, this article has given you a solution to your problem.